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2018 A+国际艺术家驻留项目

类别:资讯发布时间:2018-05-10 13:00


  2018 A+国际艺术家驻留项目细则

  在艺术史的发展过程中,几乎每一次重大的科技变革或广泛应用,都会对艺术行业产生重大影响。如今移动互联网和体验经济的发展在不断影响着艺术边界的拓展,使其向跨学科方向发展。借助信息技术与互动媒体,也构建了新型的艺术交互性行为方式,这种趋势在影响既有的艺术行为状态的同时也在深刻的改变人们的社会生活、文化艺术等各个领域。2018年,前行美术馆联合58小镇共同发起2018 A+国际艺术家驻留项目,则试图以艺术与新经济的联动,在当下的大数据时代趋势里以艺术的方式回应并探索当代艺术的发展方向,追问艺术本体与形态边界,探索并分享符合时代精神的艺术实践。


  2018 A+国际艺术家驻留项目细则:

  1、 项目介绍

  2018 A+国际艺术家驻留项目由前行美术馆与58小镇共同发起,旨在以艺术与新经济的联动,建立国家及地区间艺术家的互访与学术交流,进一步激活地域当代艺术生态。鼓励具有独立艺术思考与突破性实践的艺术家或艺术小组深入城市进行文化交融的多元碰撞,探索并分享符合时代精神的艺术实践。



驻留项目展览空间Residence Program Exhibition Space驻留项目展览空间Residence Program Exhibition Space


驻留项目创作空间Residence Program Creation Space驻留项目创作空间Residence Program Creation Space








  (1)填写2018 A+国际艺术家驻留项目官方申请表格——驻留期间的工作计划书、项目研究领域、主题、创作草图或艺术理念阐释等(不少于300字);



  请准备以上完整资料后,压缩文件并发送至前行美术馆官方邮箱:a_art@foxmail.com,申请邮件标题请注明:2018 A+国际艺术家驻留项目第X期+艺术家本人姓名。





  (4)驻留期限: 2018年7/9/11月(3期)














  Advance Art Museum?58 Small Town

  2018 A+ Artist In Residence International Exchange Program

  In the course of the development of art history, almost every major scientific technological change the change of concept brought about by it will have a great impact on the art industry。 Now mobile Internet the development of experience economy is affecting the artistic boundary, make it to develop in the direction of interdisciplinary, using information technology interactive media, also built a new way of art exchanges, this trend is the change in the existing art at the same time also in profound change people‘s social life, culture, art other fields。 In 2018, Advance Art Museum unite 58 Small Town launched 2018 A+ Artist In Residence International Exchange Program, trying to linkage art the of new economy, in the current trend in the era of big data response in the form of art explore the development direction of contemporary art, cross-examine art ontology form the border, in line with the times to explore share the spirit of art practice。

  In November 2017, the United Nations put Changsha on the global creative city network, Changsha became the first city in China to be named as the “Capital of Media Art” in the United Nations。 With the development of mobile Internet experience economy, innovative ideas have become the new engine of urban development, transform the tradition into the present the future。 Culture is the soul of the city, Advance Art Museum 58 small town help promote the integration development of cultural industry culture, promote the mutual prosperity of culture city。

  1、Project Introduction

  2018 A+ Artist In Residence International Exchange Program sponsored by Advance Art Museum 58 small town, aimed at to the art the linkage of the new economy, the establishment of national regional artists visits academic exchanges, to further activate the regional ecology of contemporary art。 It encourages artists or art groups with independent artistic thinking breakthrough practice to conduct multiple collision of cultural blending in cities, explore share artistic practices that meet the spirit of The Times。

  During the reside, participants will have the opportunity to participate in city visits, studio opening presentations, academic discussions, salon lectures or related education communication activities, as well as the final exhibition display section。 It brings the creative space possibility of diversity depth to the participants。

  2、Introduction of the Organizer

  Advance Art Museum is located in 1F TaiPingKing, Tai Ping millennium old street, the core city of Changsha, Hunan province。 It is an independent public welfare Art organization serving the public, founded by Mr。 Wu Kuo, chairman of the forward group, he is devoted to excavating cultivating young artists with independent artistic thinking breakthrough practice, inspiring enlightening the public‘s understanding of art。 Systematic review of the regional contemporary art ecosystem, activating local art ecology strengthening international cultural interaction academic exchanges。

  58 Small Town is a new offline office ecological industry development platform build by 58 Group, new district is located in the Xiangjiang river in Hunan province is located in Changsha, the west lake park, 1200 mu of the west lake, the lake of 7.2 square around the architectural art, live in mobile, intelligent application, three industry as the core, the media art collection ecological landscape, the wisdom of science technology, headquarter economy, formed the policy service, upgrade of enterprises, venture capital, tax optimization, talent away, wisdom, supporting, resource integration, eight super management service advantage to ecosystem the 4.0 version of the wisdom, known as “the world‘s innovation field in the park”。

  3、Content Presentation

  During the reside, the artist shall provide to the Advance Art Museum with the corresponding text picture materials on a regular basis for the relevant publicity promotion of the resident project; The artist will hold regular work meetings with the gallery staff to discuss the project progress implementation。 Participants have the opportunity to participate in studio open presentations, academic discussions, salon lectures or related education communication activities during their stay, as well as the final exhibition display section。


  Provide application opportunities for artists, curators or groups with more than 3 years‘ experience in art creation or curator experience, independent artistic thinking breakthrough practice。 Artists curators are mainly in the field of contemporary art creation。

  5、Resident Program Cycle

  6、Application Form

  (1) To fill out 2018 A+ Artist In Residence International Exchange Program official application form - reside during the working plan, project research, theme artistic concept sketches or interpretation (not less than 300 words);

  (2) One person‘s recent life photos media publicity, one copy of the electronic version of the identity card or passport;

  (3) Personal latest English Chinese resume, 10 copies of the text message (WORD format); Image data or media files please send the Internet link address;

  Please prepare more complete information, compressed file send to the Advance Art Museum official email: a_art@foxmail.com, subject of the application mail please note: 2018 A+ Artist In Residence International Exchange Program periods + artist name。

  7、Description of Resident Project

  (1) Host institution: Advance Art Museum, 58 small town。

  (2) Place of residence: 58 small town, Changsha, China (Yuelu scenic spot west lake park)

  (3) Resident Works Exhibition: Advance Art Museum。

  (4) Residence period: July, September November, 2018, 3 seasons。

  (5) Number of resident: 3persons/period

  (6) Qualifications: domestic international artists。

  (7) Application form: prepare resident application form personal data packet to send mail to the forward art gallery mailbox

  (8) Review mechanism: selected by the review panel。

  (9) Deadline: for details, please refer to the resident project details - cycle。

  (10)Host Subsidies:

  The arts organization provides for the artist: a free round trip subsidy(Airport or high-speed railway); creative materials subsidies(2000 RMB); Airport or high-speed railway station to host space free shuttle bus; Free studio/accommodation; Free lunch dinner; Exhibition space staff support。

  (11)The artists who are successful in the project should provide the certificate of travel insurance during the residence period。 Creative materials, living expenses, visa fees, travel insurance, personal expenses, etc。 The relevant works completed during the stay of the artist shall be owned by the artist himself, but the related expenses incurred in the transportation of the works shall be handled by himself。

  (12) Artist feedback scheme related activities。

  The works created during the stay will be selected by the organizer as a collection of works。 Participate in studio open display, academic discussion, salon lectures or related education communication activities, as well as the final exhibition display section。

  After confirming the resident status, it is necessary for artists to formally email their own consulate apply for media support project support to give more help to the resident project。

  (13) Environment: city。

  (14) Reception language: English/Chinese。

  E-mail/ a_art@foxmail.com

  Wechat/ qianxingmeishuguan


  add the WeChat of the museum manager, learn more details of the program

  地址/ 前行美术馆:湖南省长沙市天心区太平老街167 号太平里文创社区1F


  Address/ Advance Art Museum: 1F, Taipingking community, 167 Taiping street, Tianxin district, Changsha city, Hunan province。

  58 Small Town: Fenglin road Westlake park, Yuelu district, Changsha , Hunan, China。


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前行美术馆?58小镇  2018 A+国际艺术家驻留项目细则  在艺术史的发展过程中,几乎每一次重大的科技变革或广泛应用,都会对艺术行业产生重大影响。如今移动互联网和体验经济的发展在不断影响着艺术边界的拓展,使其向跨学科方向发展。借助信息技术与互动媒体,也构建了新型的艺术交互性行为方式,这种趋势在影响既有的艺术行为状态的同时也在深刻的改变人们的社会生活、文化艺术等各个领域。2018年,前行美术馆联合58小镇共同发起2018 A+国际艺术家驻留项目,则试图以艺术与新经济的联动,在当下的大数据时
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